How To Stick To New Years Resolutions With CBD

How To Stick To New Years Resolutions With CBD

Reward yourself for working towards your goals!

How to Stick to Your New Year’s Resolutions Using CBD

It’s estimated that 40-50% of Americans make New Year’s resolutions each year. 

The problem?

Only 8% actually accomplish what they set out to do. In fact, less than 25% make it through the first 30 days… yikes!

But don’t let these statistics scare you away from the changes you want to make in the coming year. New Year’s resolutions are all about changing your life for the better. 

If you’ve promised yourself that this is the year you’re going to improve your life by focusing on your health, we’d like to let you in on a little secret:

You CAN stick to your New Year’s resolutions. You’ve just got to know how to do it. 

Sticking to Your Resolutions

New Year’s is awesome. It offers a great opportunity to start life afresh and focus on areas of self-improvement. We don’t make New Year’s resolutions to end up breaking them before we even begin. We make them to change our lives for the better. That intention is a powerful thing.  

If you made a New Year’s resolution, it’s safe to say it’s something that’s important to you and something you want to maintain. Following are a few tips that can help.

Be Realistic With Your Resolutions. The easiest way to break your New Year’s resolution is by making it something unrealistic. You might not run a marathon or summit Everest this year if you haven’t yet prepared (but who knows ?!). But if running a marathon is your goal, make it your resolution to prepare with daily, weekly, and monthly goals. Think steps, not end results. 

Which brings us to our next tip… 

Make Your Resolutions Manageable. One of the most common reasons people don’t stick to their New Year’s resolutions is that they try to take on too much at once. That is, they focus on the end result without a plan in place to get there. One of the best things you can do when making a change is to start by setting small, attainable goals that will help you achieve the larger goal you’ve set out for yourself. 

Make a Plan and Stick to It. Planning is paramount for making changes. By taking those small, realistic goals you’ve set for yourself and scheduling them into your regular routine, you’re more likely to achieve what you set out to do. Come up with daily, weekly, and monthly goals that will help you reach the finish line. By adding each goal to your calendar or daily to-do list and planning the action steps you’ll take each day, change can be much easier to attain.  

Reward Yourself. Creating new habits isn’t easy, but rewarding yourself for achieving your goals can go a long way. Celebrate your success along the way by giving yourself small rewards each time you achieve a small goal. Think about buying yourself a new pair of workout pants after you’ve gone to the gym two weeks in a row or taking yourself to a movie after losing those first five pounds. 

Speaking of rewarding yourself, CBD and wellness happen to go hand in hand. 

Not only has CBD studies suggested shown to support athletic recovery however further studies should be carried out before we make a final conclusion. It’s also been hailed as one of nature’s best remedies when it comes to easing stress and anxiety. 

Imagine how much easier it would be to stick to your goals of eating healthier and exercising if you approached these changes from a space of centered calm. 

Keeping resolutions doesn’t have to be a chore. Remember to make it fun and set small attainable goals. Then reward your efforts by recovering and relaxing with USA Hemp CBD to make 2020 your best year yet while crushing your resolutions.

Browse our selection of CBD wellness products and discover how full-spectrum CBD can support a healthier, happier you! 100% organic. Extracted CO2. Lab verified for potency and purity.

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Written by
Ana Redwood